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How to Track Minutes

Learn more about Minutes reporting in the Weekly Activity Report

Carly Slovenec avatar
Written by Carly Slovenec
Updated over 2 weeks ago

What is the Minutes?

  • You can view how many minutes students spend on eSpark each day in your Activity Report.

  • You can set a goal for how many minutes you want students to spend on eSpark daily.

How are minutes calculated?

  • Minutes are separated out by Math and Reading on the Weekly Activity Report.

  • The minutes calculation is intended to capture minutes students spend engaged in learning activities on eSpark (for example, if student logs in spends 5 minutes on the subject choice screen, those minutes won't count).

How can I view minutes?

1. Click on the Activity tab on your dashboard.

2. There are 2 ways to view minutes:

  • Hover over student icons.

  • Toggle to minutes under the report title in your Activity report.

  • Remember that the reporting here is separated out by math and reading, so in this example, the reports only show the minutes students have spent working on Mathematics.

πŸ’‘ TIP: You can track the total number of minutes spent on eSpark in the week on the left-hand column.

How can I adjust the goal number of minutes for my class?

1. In the Minutes view in the Activity Report, click on the highlighted box.

2. You can enter in how many minutes a day you would like students to work on eSpark.

  • Students with highlighted numbers spent less than the goal time you set. In this example, Chris spent 20 or more minutes on eSpark on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday, but less than 20 minutes on Tuesday.

πŸ’‘ Still have questions? Please reach out to our Support team by clicking the blue chat button on the bottom right side of your screen - we're here to help!

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