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eSpark Glossary

What does that eSpark term mean? Find out here!

Carly Slovenec avatar
Written by Carly Slovenec
Updated over 6 months ago



3+ experience

A Quest view where students have a choice to go through most activities in any order they choose, with the exceptions of the Pre- and Post-Quizzes, Framing Video, and Student Video Recording that have gating built in; defaulted on for students in Upper Elementary grades 3+.


Anything within a Quest or Smal Group Skill that is used for practicing or learning the standard; could be a Video, WebApp, Game, etc.

Activity report

A teacher dashboard report that gives an overview of recent student activity, including current Quests and the Minutes each student has spent on eSpark.

Activity timer

Feature preventing the student from moving forward in a quest before a certain amount of time has elapsed (e.g. 90 seconds) or if the activity has been completed (e.g. a video has been played).

Adaptive learning path

The algorithmic decision tree that drives lesson sequencing in eSpark. The adaptive path ensures all students are working on appropriate content based on skill proficiency and standards mastery. Students work on Quests as part of the adaptive path, and the path changes to accommodate remediation or acceleration needs.


Lessons assigned to students by teachers. Students find Assignments under the “From my teacher” section.

Audio support

An accessibility and scaffolding feature in eSpark where students can have text read aloud in a variety of ways, either automatically on page load, after hitting a play button, or by clicking on text, depending on where they are in the program.


For 3+ students, the Avatar is the character the students select to represent them as they progress through eSpark at the start of their eSpark session. For PK-2 students, Rocky is the students' Avatar.

Avatar customizer

A modal that 3+ students can use to change their Avatar's clothing. This is accessed by clicking on the Avatar.

Check for understanding

A quiz question that is asked directly after an Activity. For now, typically all multiple choice. CFUs must be complete in order for the Activity to be complete.

Choice Texts

Activity for grades 1st-5th in which students choose the topic, genre, or other key details of a reading passage, then work through a skill-based lesson where their companion Rocky provides in-lesson assessment, feedback, and remediation.


In the teacher dashboard and emails, students are grouped in a class.

Critical Thinking Challenge

A question that is typically an interactive question type (not a multiple choice) that acts as a standalone activity within a quest.


The identification of the level a student should be working on in the Adaptive Path. Diagnoses can be created via the Placement Quiz or Star or NWEA data.

District admin account

An admin-facing organization-level eSpark portal.


A domain is a group of related standards aligned with an overarching instructional theme (e.g. Reading Literature or Geometry). See also "grade-level domain.”

eSpark Lite

A free, limited version of eSpark available to all teachers.

eSpark Premium

The full version of eSpark with access to all features.

Fist bump

A message at the end of a Quest after a student fails 2 post-quizzes in which they click on Rocky's hand to give a virtual "fist bump.”

Framing video

Introductory video at the beginning of every Quest in which the student is introduced to the skill they are about to learn and provided with context and/or modeling to help with conceptual understanding.


The grade level the student is rostered in.

Grade-level Domain

A domain specific to one grade level (e.g. 1st grade Reading Literature or 3rd grade Geometry).

High five

A celebration of success after a student masters a Quest by scoring 80% or higher on a post-quiz in which the student clicks on Rocky's hand to give a virtual "high five.”

High Five Email

Weekly Wednesday email showing students that received high-fives and/or students that need a check-in because of slow progress.

Individual student mastery report

Individual student report showing a single student’s quest and SGS history for the full school year.


A visual placeholder for an Activity within the 3rd grade+ Quest view.

Login card

Printable card including a student’s username and password and a QR code that the student can scan to log into eSpark.


An estimated amount of time a student has spent on eSpark for the day, as shown in the Activity Report

Monster (PK-2 only)

A monster that Rocky encounters during a Quest in the PK-2 student experience. They act as a guide for an Activity or Pre/Post Quiz.

PK-2 experience

Sequential Quest view where students must go through activities in a set order and monsters guide them through; defaulted on for students in Lower Elementary grades PK-2.

Placement quiz

The short quiz 1-5 grade students take to place them at the right Adaptive Learning Path Quest level


A collection of 5-10 quiz questions that a student takes at the end of a quest. If a student scores <80% they "fail;" There are a total up to 2 post-quizzes for every quest. If they fail the first post-quiz they are taken on a remediation path and given a second post-quiz to take.


A collection of 5-10 quiz questions that a student takes at the beginning of a Quest.

Pre-quiz pass out

When a student scores 100% on the pre-quiz and is able to skip over the rest of the Quest without taking the post-quiz or completing a Student Video Recording.


A group of activities all aligned to a single standard.

Quest Attempt

Any quest completed by the student.

Quest Failure

A student completes a Quest but scores less than 80% on both post-quizzes.

Quest Level

The quest level is the academic level that the student is working at.

Quest Mastery

Scoring 80%+ on a their post-quiz or 100% on their pre-quiz which demonstrates mastery of that quest's standard.

Quiz growth

Pre-quiz to post-quiz growth, calculated as the difference in the two scores. If 2 post-quizzes are taken, we calculate the max post-quiz score minus the pre-quiz score.

Remediation path

Post-Quiz1 fail > Remedial Video > Post Quiz2

School admin account

A teacher or administrator who has access to all classes at their school or district.


A focused or discrete part of a standard. A standard is made up of skills.

Small group email

Weekly Monday email that gives teachers a suggested small group of students who are struggling on the same standard and gives video links and sample quiz questions for reteaching.


Academic and skill content aligned defined by Common Core and state-specific standards.

Standards Progress Report

A teacher dashboard report showing a class’s quest mastery on eSpark.

Student video recording

A student-created video recording at the end of every mastered quest in which students synthesize what they have learned.

Teacher dashboard

Teacher-facing eSpark portal.

Video feedback

Ratings and comments teachers can send to students through the teacher dashboard in reaction to Student Video Recordings.

Video prompt

The prompt to introduce the Student Video Recording.

Web activity

An interactive activity or game to practice the standard.

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